Circular Building Symposium 22 June 2022
The 1st circular construction phase of GTB Lab (Dutch knowledge centre for circular buildings) demonstrating circular building principles has been finalised. Herewith I would like to invite you, on behalf of the Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings (GTB Lab), to participate at the 3rd International Reversible Circular Building Symposium that will take place in conjunction with the Digital Deconstruction innovation Hub event on 22nd of June at Brightlands Smart Service Campus in Heerlen. The symposium will address lessons learned after the first construction stage of Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings as the knowledge centre for Circular Buildings followed up with the regional strategies for the transition to Circular economy in construction, state of the art with regards to the implementation of Reversible / Circular building design and methods of construction / deconstruction. Focus will be on lessons learned from the best practices and next steps for the regional development.
12:00 - 13.00 Lunch @GTB Lab Heerlen
Conference programm @Brightlands Smart Service Campus Heerlen
13:45 - 14:15 Opening address
dr. Elma Durmisevic Peter Bertholet (director City Region Parkstad Limburg) - download slides prof. dr. Jan Brouwer (Advisory Board GTB Lab and former government architect) - download speech prof. dr. Jo Coenen (former director IBA Parkstad, founder rMIT @TU Delft, and former chief government architect) Yannick Dols (moderator, Regional Innovation Hub DDC)
14:15 - 14:50 Policies
Towards Policies for implementing Circular building in EU countries, dr. Caroline Henrotay BE (Brussels Environment) - download slides
How Cradle to Cradle Certified® is driving the circular transformation in the Built Environment, Ana Quintas UK (Cradle to Cradle Certified) - download slides
14:00 - 15:00 Bridging the gap
The role of Knowledge hub for circular buildings GTB Lab in shaping a new standards and circularity profiles of the building by demonstration of circular design and use of BIM based tools, dr. Elma Durmisevic NL (4D Architects, GTB Lab) - download slides
Material passports and material health impact indicators, Jan Boström SE (Sundahus) - download slides
The role of new techniques as scanning, Jean-Yves Marie LU (BIM-Y) - download slides
15:30 - 16:00 Financial models
Empowering real estate owners towards a sustainable and health-conscious built environment, Jad Oseyran NL (WiseBrick) - download slides Circular financial platform, Vince Meens NL (VM Maeterials, BlockMaterials) - download slides
16:00 - 16:15 Inspirations from the industry
Circular perspective from Deconstruction Company, Pieter Scheer NL (Dusseldorp)
16:15 Conversion session
16:35 Time to meet and talk
Presentation Slides