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Elma Durmisevic invited to give keynote at Circular Economy in Architecture

Elma Durmisevic speaks at the online symposium of the Circularity in Built Environment Research Group of Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) on 17 November 2021 to push for a paradigm shift in design and construction.

The circular economy has a design-led agenda that calls for disruptive systematic change. The progress requires system innovation in tandem with technological innovation. The circular economy framework provides guidance towards the irreversible transition to deliver a sustainable built environment. This one-day symposium aims to discuss opportunities and challenges of this transition and the ways of introducing the circular economy framework in practice and education of architecture.

The symposium will bring together speakers from industry, research and academia to jointly discuss the following topics:

  1. Circular economy from different perspectives (economy, business, design)

  2. Circular built environment and the role of the architect

  3. Circular economy framework in education

Elma Durmisevic will speak about Design for Circular Economy – Paradigm shift in design and construction.

Circularity In Built Environment Research Group

Circularity in the built environment research group is a joint academic-industry research platform based in Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture. The group gathers researchers and practitioners focusing on the new methods and models for circular design and construction.

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