Kick-off symposium GTB Lab Heerlen
The world is changing and the dynamics of this change are accelerating. Demographics, life expectancy, living and working patterns, economic models, climate and resource use are changing at a tremendous rate. As a result, the requirements for the performance and use of buildings and the materials used are also changing. This has implications for design and for scenarios for the composition of buildings and building components. A new reality and building practice require new insights and competencies appropriate to this new profile.
Green Transformable Building Lab (GTBLab) is a physical innovation platform. It bundles knowledge, creativity and innovation around reallife developments and testing of building concepts for the 21st century. GTBLab forms a dynamic structure that changes function and form annually and renews itself continuously. It will provide insights into solutions for dynamic circular building and develop concepts and products that will be implemented in a new generation of buildings. For this initiative, we ask for an active contribution from business and manufacturing industries. We also request the cooperation of housing corporations and healthcare institutions and administrators in the fundamental transformation towards dynamic and circular building.
GTBLab, the platform for building innovation and development of new building blocks for Dynamic Circular Building was initiated by Booosting board member Dr Elma Durmisevic. This initiative is partly funded by the European Commission and is part of an EU consortium working on proposals for the new standards, regulations and business models around the theme Buildings as Materialbank.
14:30 Reception
15:00 Welcome
15:10 Jo Coenen Director IBA Parkstad
15:30 Elma Durmisevic founder GTBLab / board member Booosting
Three elements of GTB highlighted in three pitches
15:50 New finance model for the construction industry
Wim Gielingh - directorReal Capital Systems
15:57 Renewal of the building industry
Jos Lichtenberg - director of Slimbouwen
16:04 challenge for businesses
Wim Sturris - director Van Dijk Bouw/Shareholder GTB LAB
16:11 Panel discussion
17:00 Buffet
18:00 Final discussion How to proceed ?
19:00 Drinks until 20:00
Elma Durmisevic works closely with the following partners IBA-Parkstad +Slimbouwen + Stadsregio Parkstad Limburg + Wijk van Morgen + Zuyd University