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24 June 2021: Masterclass Construction

Inspirational webinar on circular models for buildings and construction, in the fields of business, design and technology. Online livestream from Discovery Museum, Kerkrade (NL). Hosted by, introduced by Sara Gilissen and Gène Bertrand.

  • GTB Lab – Elma Durmisevic Elma is founder of the GTB Lab, a unique European Laboratory introducing a systemic shift in the building sector. She will talk about a new philosophy where waste is considered a design error. Design needs to guarantee circular value chains, through which buildings and materials in buildings will sustain/increase their value. Instead of being designed for demolition and to become waste, reversible building design gives buildings capacity to reverse the processes and building structures back to the initial set of elements and to re-configure them to answer new requirements.

  • Cirdax – Erol Oztan No system innovation without chaos. As an architect, by collecting, connecting and enriching data, Erol contributes to the transition of our region to make the construction and demolition world circular with the development of the data system Cirdax. With this system, he supports housing corporations, governments and market parties throughout the Netherlands and Europe in their circular ambitions. The system can be used to help those who feel it is time to deal differently with the spaces they live and work in. Waste? No way!

  • Omlab – Huub Looze The mission of Huub Looze of Omlab in Arnhem is “Make(!) the difference. Research, design and create with 100% respect for nature”. Omlab is a design and project studio, a biobased makerspace and workshop for practical research. Omlab is maker, initiator and educator. Huub will present their circular 3D-prints that were often mistaken for concrete prints. But the (print)paste consists of calcite, cellulose, the binder Kaumera and water. Omlab developed this circular paste from raw materials that are recovered from the production of drinking water and wastewater treatment. The question is if this can be more environmentally friendly and just as strong as concrete.

After the talks there will be room for questions and open discussion (depending on the number of participants possibly in different break out rooms).

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