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We are partner in the Interreg NWE Digital Deconstruction project and proud to share our knowledge with EU project partners and specialists within the construction/building environment, bringing in the expertise to develop an innovative digital decision support system to reduce waste within the construction sector and the huge CO2 emissions of the industry.

Digital Deconstruction (DDC) is an innovative Interreg North West Europe (NWE) project in which smart digital services are developed to make circular construction possible.
The project aims to develop an innovative digital decision support system, integrating various digital tools (3D scanning, Building Information Modelling, a digital materials & buildings database, blockchain technology) that helps to define the most sustainable and economical deconstruction and reuse strategy for building.​ By linking the digital system to innovative Building Information Model techniques, a cycle is created between design, construction and demolition. Scarce resources are reused in this way and will drastically reduce the huge CO2 emissions of the construction industry.
Researchers within the project are working on this open-source software system so engineers can reuse materials released from the dismantling of renovation and demolition projects in the construction industry and create a more sustainable future.
The project focuses on regions having set sustainable materials management, eco technologies, ICT and digitization in industry as one of their RIS3 priorities in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France, paving the way for roll-out to United Kingdom and Denmark. ​
Project development
The project develops the following main outputs:​
An integrated DDC system at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 (system prototype demonstration in operational environment), to be made accessible​ to companies in IT, engineering, construction & real estate sector​ as an open-source software package for further development and​ integration to market-ready products and services. ​
A transnational network of Regional Innovation Hubs (RIH) that​ support the optimization, validation and roll-out of DDC solutions. ​
10 pilots, where the digital tools are tested in operational​ environment; an interactive DDC Navigator supporting the use​ and further adaptation of DDC tools. ​
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) accounts for about 1/3 of all waste produced in the EU. About 50% of this amount is currently recycled in most EU countries, however the majority of CDW is destined for backfilling and other low value applications (downcycling). In North West European countries reuse and high-quality recycling (upcycling) of CDW remains below 3%. Poor digitalization of the construction sector is one of the key factors hindering better exploitation of circular opportunities. ​​
More information about the project:
Latest DDC news
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